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Best Hosting Companies - The Market Leaders

When we talk about best hosting companies, there are lots of service providers who pop up in our mind. All those names that pop up might not always be genuinely good but they are at least projected to be so. We would, in this article, look at some of the best hosting companies which are genuinely good and have been able to continuously win the hearts of its customers.

IPage is one among these best hosting companies in the market. One among the various reasons that has made IPage one of the best hosting companies in the market place is its tremendous customer service. Customer is the king and it will not be over exaggeration if we say that IPage has understood this phrase to the greatest possible extent. This company has been in this business of web servicing for almost ten years now and is has been doing well even now. They have a great track record of being one of the most trustworthy and reliable service providers. They charge $3.50 per month for their services which is really very competitive and very few service providers manage to offer such great services at such low price. They offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth and also have a money back offer available any time any place.

InMotion is another great service provider. It is one of the leaders in the industry and has been maintaining this status since its inception in 2001. One of the greatest qualities or the so called unique selling proposition of the company is reliability and customer service. Not many come close to them as far as excellence in these two aspects of web servicing is concerned. They are also accredited members of the Better Business Bureau and have also won the recognition of being a certified CNET service provider along with many other awards and recognitions.

Fat Cow is one of those rare service providers who offer its services for a remarkably cheap $3.67 per month without having to compensate on the service quality front. Their reliability is something that people talk about and it has been built after many years of commitment and dedication towards their work. They have very good customer service as well which is being assured by its Moo crew. Their high speed networks along with reliable back up solutions and constant monitoring has enabled them to make it to the list of the best hosting companies almost all the time.
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