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Why Shared Hosting Is So Cheap?
As shared hosting has the reputation of being cheapest form of web hosting, it is also the most popular hosting form all over the world. If we analyze the reason of shared hosting's popularity, we come to know some facts as 'When newly formed businesses are entering in to Internet world at very first time through their new websites, they are not ready to spend large amount of money as a Hosting expense. As a result of this businessmen directly check out for the cheapest form of web hosting services, and they decide to go for shared hosting.
Different hosting companies provide their hosting services with different pricing and different set ups and configurations. The basic reason behind shared hosting is called as shared hosting because it is based on shared server resources, this means one server is parted in to hundreds of partitions which are used by hundreds of websites. All factors based on a server like operating system, disk space, random access memory (RAM), Central processing unit (CPU) are used commonly by all websites, surprisingly even bandwidth which is an important factor from webmaster's point of vies is also shared as per demanding need of a particular website.
As it is a cheapest form of hosting anyone can find pricing options very quickly. It is also widely used in the form of cPanel Hosting because it comes with a control panel which is used to control email accounts, database, FTP, sub-domains website's statistics, fantastico and many other valuable features, these all features plays an important role in reviewing your website's performance and the direction of progress it is doing. cPanel Hosting is a blessing for such webmasters who has a tight and limited budget for the conduction of their online operations.
Though many websites are sharing the same server in this kind of hosting type, surprisingly there is no limitation on disk-space, bandwidth or other features. The basic reason behind this is, very powerful and highly configured servers are used by hosting companies for their customers. Many hosting companies provided both options of limited disc-space and unlimited disk-space to their clients. Client has to choose the option considering his website's need.
This hosting type is considered as a perfect choice for news blogs, because these type of blogs do not content any heavy data such as videos, audios and other flash object which comparatively need higher amount of bandwidth. If we compared Linux shared hosting with Windows shared hosting then we come to know that comparatively Linux hosting is a little bit cheaper than Windows hosting almost in all form of hosting, the main factor which affects on the high pricing of Windows hosting is the licensing cost. All of know that Linux is a free open-source platform. Surprisingly despite being cheaper than Windows Hosting Linux Hosting is capable of using system resources in better manner than Windows Hosting.
Till now we have seen all goodies of shared hosting but on the other side it has also some limitations and drawbacks of its own. As webmasters need to share the servers with other webmasters he has very limited access and control on that particular server. If any particular website consumes excess bandwidth provided to a shared server than it affects to other websites residing on the same server hens faces some accessibility issues. All websites hosted on a shared server also need to share a single IP address. Any malfunction performed by other website may affect your website's performance due to sharing same server.
Share hosting made it possible to bring many small businesses on Internet and it also helped may people to do marketing of their products and services on the Internet.